2014-2015 Programs


September 22nd, 5:30 pm
Grand View University
Ella Heinicke, recent Grand View Biology Graduate, will be with us to share her experiences at the AAUW sponsored National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL). You may remember that our branch helped Ella get to the conference with a grant.
October 20th, 5:30 pm
Northwest Community Center
Teresa Bomhoff, NAMI Greater Des Moines President, will give a presentation on mental illness along with hand-outs for attendees to take home. Topics to be addressed include: what is mental illness? Rates of mental illness; Iowa’s mental health system; Over use of the criminal justice system; Suicide; Stigma; Recovery.
December 6, 2014, 2:00 pm
Grand View University
Join us for our Holiday Tea and AAUW Funds gathering.
March 30, 2015, 5:30 pm
Northwest Community Center
Dawn Taylor, an activist and spokesperson against human trafficking and sexual violence, will be our first speaker after our winter break.

In addition, Kathie Farris from the Indianola Branch will also tell us about the AAUW Tech Trek summer camp for Des Moines area middle school girls that they are sponsoring at Simpson College June 21-27. They are looking for women who made their careers in STEM fields to volunteer.

Our branch board voted to recommend giving $500 to this Tech Trek camp program. A vote will be taken about this issue at the March meeting.